Travis ordered lamb fries. For those that don't know what lamb fries are they are testicles from a lamb. Travis ate fried entire plate of them! They served them with a side of cream gravy and red sauce. Travis preferred the red sauce over the gravy, meanwhile I was disgusted at the sight of the little creatures. I cut one open with my fork to see what the inside looked like and it looks like chicken. Travis said it tastes like chicken, but I have hard time believing that tasted like the wonderful meat we call chicken...
Please note the menu also listed these nasty creatures as a 'delicacy'...sick...Has anybody else ever tried lamb fries or rocky mountain oysters (cow testicles)?
However, I will say that Clark's has some amazing bbq and it really is a cute little place...just why would anybody want to eat that?
Also, thanks to Ryan for teaching me to get pictures to go where I want them! You're the best.