celebrate the birthday of Trav's sweet mother, Judi.
We arrived late Friday night and even brought the rain with us. South
Texas is experiencing a huge drought right now so the grass and cows
were very happy to get some fresh water.
A good bit of our time on Saturday was spent filling the deer feeders
with fresh corn and setting the timers. Gotta make the deers happy!
Fun shots can be heard around us as many folks are taking part in dove
season, which just started last week.
It's been a fabulous weekend with the Riley clan. I even made a
homemade carrot cake for Judi. It's her favorite. This was a big deal
for me because I have a HUGE aversion for carrots. Huge. I've never
eaten one, nor will I but I think I earned some major brownie points
baking my MIL het fav cake. They say it tasted good, too!
Unfortunately the weekend is drawing to a close and we must head back
north tomorrow.
Looking forward to a 2.5 day work week ahead as my best friends
wedding is in San Antonio!
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LOVE long weekends and even shorter work weeks! Have fun in San Antonio!
Have fun in San Antonio! I love that place. We need to get together again soon!
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