Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fall TV

It’s about that time for all of the TV series to pick-up where they left off last fall. Tonight happens to be the season premiere of one of my favorite shows: The Biggest Loser.


This show sucks me in every season. I can’t help it! I will even admit that I’ve shed a tear or two during the show. I get attached to these contestants and to me it is truly amazing to see them lose all of that weight.


This season promises to bring even more excitement as one of last season’s contestants is returning! Daniel is a high school student who started last season weighing almost 400 pounds (perhaps over that mark). He lost a lot of weight last year, but being that big he still has a lot to lose, so he will be appearing this fall to continue on his quest to be the BL.  BL also has a contestant who is the biggest female to ever be on the show.


Here’s to another wonderful season of BL. Until then, I’ll be counting the hours until 7:00 when it comes on!


Kyle and Marci said...

Love this show!

kristen said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE that show!! I'm also getting excited for Big, Bang Theory...one of my faves!

Austin and Ashley Evans said...

what is it about that show?! i started watching last year while pregnant and cried all the time - i thought it was just pregnancy hormones. except this time i cried too :)