Wednesday, April 12, 2017

3 Months

Charlie's Third Month:



• He's smiling more and more
• Laughter is part of his daily routine
• Holding his head up
•Still prefers to sleep on his stomach
•Rolls from stomach to back
•Getting better at grabbing for toys
•Finally feeling better and the runny nose/cough RSV nonsense is gone after a dose of steroids
•Loves watching his big brother
•Loves daycare and the church nursery
•The best cuddler!!
•Started Propanolol for the hemangioma on his right eyelid. We saw significant improvement within a couple days of starting. 
•Had appointment with Pedi Opthamologist to see if hemangioma was causing any visual disturbances. Praise the Lord he received an excellent report and has wonderful vision!! 

Weight: 13.8lbs

Length: not done

Eating: Nurses every 3 hours from 7a-10p. Takes 6oz when he's at school
Naps: morning naps are his best at 1.5-2 hours. The two afternoon naps are generally 30 minutes to an hour. 

Clothes: 6 to 9 month clothing fits you best in waist and length! You are filling out. 

Hair: still growing and as wild as ever, but we love it so much. 

Likes: diaper changes, baths, tummy time, grabbing toys, being tickled, eating, looking at what's going on, babbling/cooing 

Dislikes: being interrupted during a feeding, bulb suctioning his nose, sleeping on his back


He found his feet. 



And just like that we're 1/4 way through his first year! 

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