Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Wanna Be Reckless

Life. It happens and sometimes life's roads are a little bumpier and the hills are a little steeper than we would CHOOSE, but when your eyes and heart are fixed on the biggest prize and reward you will not fall. Those bumps will begin to smooth and the hills won't seem so steep.

It's true. We are living proof that when you give it ALL to Him and truly live a faith driven life, bigger things can happen. And when I say big, I don't mean that Publisher's Clearing House stopped by or that I finally got rid of my 9 year old car, Barney.

This is where it all begins:

Last fall Travis indicated he would like to begin looking for a new job, but didn't want to seriously begin his search until I finish school (1 more year). He wasn't fully satisfied where he was, and was ready to pursue something more challenging.

We began praying over this and specifically asked that God would show us what direction he would like for us to pursue. We have been intentionally trying to live a more faith-driven life. The song Reckless by Jeremy Camp had been speaking to us:
"Every time I try to play it safe
Holding back just a little part of me
I find myself forgetting that
I say that I believe
The promise of your word
Is all I need
And give it up
I'll give it up..."

Trav's 2013 Resolutions

Fast Forward to the first week in January and we FINALLY got our answer! Travis was laid off. Not exactly the answer we were looking for, but we took this as an opportunity to THANK God for this opportunity and we've truly been blessed by this layoff. Our relationships with God and our marriage have deepened in a way I never knew was possible. We already knocked #1 off the resolutions list!

So, today Trav is a full time job hunting machine. He has networked like nobody's business, contacted church friends, family members, worked with recruiters, and has several interviews in the next few days.

We KNOW God is in control. He will provide. We will not let our faith waiver. We will TRUST and OBEY.

I wanna be reckless. Do you?


Kyle and Marci said...

Beautifully put my friend! Love you!!

Rachel Schafer said...

Praying with y'all!

Jennie said...

Your faith and attitude are so admirable! Will say a prayer!