Monday, August 20, 2012

Wild Horses

If you've been to our house you know that while we have a few acres, it's not necessarily the best land for riding horses.

Travis has been itching to jump back in the saddle and ride, but we didn't know of any arenas (or the right people) to go riding. Well, Travis and his entrepreneurial spirit had the guts to call the Kendall County Fair Association to see if he could utilize their facilities. All they could say is no...right?!?!

Much to our surprise they said YES and that he can ride anytime for FREE! How awesome is that? It never hurts to ask y'all. Lesson learned.

As soon as he got the ok, we loaded up our truck and trailer and headed out to the fairground for an afternoon ride.

Doesn't Travis look good on a horse? I think so!

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