This year was a bit different bc Trav had to work(new kid at work doesn't have enough vacay) and Trent, Kourt, and Jackson had a work conference in NC--so it was just me, mom, and dad!!
I had THE best time. I hated that the rest of the clan couldn't join us, but I had some great one-on-one time with my parents.
Here are some pics of the trip:
First day was rainy and overcast

The view of one of the 5 pools

Perfection. Beautiful beaches.

Crystal clear water

Me and my silly hat so my head won't burn. Yes, those are rainbow umbrellas. We have 3 and love them!

Nightly fireworks outside the condo

Mom and Dad at the marina. Go eat at LuLu's if you're in the area. She's Jimmy Buffet's sister. Great food. Greater atmosphere.

Pic of sailboat. Random, but next summer T and I will be on a very similar boat sailing around the BVIs!!!

Dad and I playing mini golf. Mom schooled us and had 4 hole in ones. Who is she?!?!?!

Look closely and you'll see Charlie the crab. I thought he was cute.

I missed the hubs, so I made this

That's all I have, but what a wonderful week! We walked the beach every morning--at least 2 miles, so I came back without gaining an ounce!
Now that I'm back at home and reunited with the hubs, we are settling into the new house! God is good and we are blessed.