Sunday, February 21, 2010

Small Town Saturday Night

The hubs and I had a quiet weekend. We did a lot of nothing and it was
wonderful. In fact, after doing our Saturday chores we watched 3 movies.

We made popcorn to make it feel like we were at the theaters and we
used our new handy popcorn holders that my Santa left in our stockings.

I couldn't have asked for a better Sarurday night at home, cuddled on
the couch with the love of my life, and a yummy batch of popcorn. Life
is grand!

Oh, and we might be getting more SNOW next week. I thought we lived in


Vanessa said...

I love it! I got 18 inches in less than 24 hours....

Laura said...

your little popcorn boxes are SO cute! ohh Saturday movies and times!!