Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I Measure Up!

2 of my sweet friends from college decided my blog is worthy of an award....er, well we at least measured up! Thanks Jen and Christina
1.Say one nice thing to the man in your life:
Travis, you are one incredible man. Your determination and strength amazes me more every day. I love to see how hard you have worked for our little family. I am blessed to be your wife. You are my best friend!
2. List at least 6 ways you measure success in your life:
1. I have an incredible Jesus who loves me always, no matter what!
2. Wonderful and happy family
3. Working hard and doing the best job I can
4. Friends that are always there for me
5. A happy marriage
6. Staying healthy and fit
3. Assign 5 other blogs this award: (drum roll please...)
2. The Davis Family
3. The Warren Family
4. Amy's Blog
5. The Wilson Family Blog

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